view of town

2024 Town Meeting Results


David Gilbert was re-elected to the Select Board.

54 Residents attended Town Meeting moderated by Joshua Tardy. Questions were raised concerning work needed on Gravel Roads and Public Works. Due to an easy winter so far shouldn't need to purchase as much salt and sand this year. Gravel Roads account was cut from $50,000 to $40,000 and Public Works from $250,000 to $230,000. Grammatical changes were made to Planning Board Amendment to make language gender neutral. Local Relief Funds were appropriated to refinish the gym floor, various building repairs and a solar project. Article concerning solar panels was amended to Solar Panels with understanding that means projects performed with adequate engineering. Remaining articles passed as presented including funds to replace playground at the Town Park. Amount to be raised is $13,917 less than previous municipal budget.

2023 Town Meeting Results


Brian Barrows and Herb Bates were re-elected to the Select Board and Veronica Nicholson was re-elected to the School Board.

After much discussion on a few articles the Municipal Budget was approved as presented. The budget came in at $66,859 under last year's. Local Rescue Funds (Federal Covid Relief Funds) were approved for donations to organizations helping people hit especially hard due to the pandemic. Local Rescue Funds were also appropriated for building security, lighting and cleaning equipment for the Community Center.

An article to appropriate Local Rescue Funds for a Trail on Town property was voted down. An article to amend the Zoning Ordinance was also voted down.

Work is being done to update Town Ordinances. An article to appropriate funds for Gravel Roads did not include all funds that were not to be raised. More information was requested for use of Local Rescue Funds. A Special Town Meeting will be held later in the year to address these matters.

2022 Town Meeting Results


Vondell Dunphy and Jo-Ann Brown were re-elected to the Select Board. Jennifer Watson won re-election to the School Board.
The Municipal Budget passed as presented. Additional funds were appropiated to lower the committment to off set the increase of $158,259 over last years budget.
Ordinance revisions were approved. The CEO will now be processing Residential Land Use Permits.
CEO Travis Gould is in on Tuesdays beginning at noon.

2021 Town Meeting Results


David Gilbert was re-elected to the Select Board. Articles passed as presented except for the purchase of a truck was voted down. The Municipal Budget for 2021 is $1,209,832. $100,000 of set aside funds will be put toward the final payment of the 2016 Paving Loan, making the amount to raise $23,706 over 2020.

2020 Town Meeting Results


Mike Cray was presented a plaque in appreciation for his many years of service to the Town.
Brian Barrows was reelected and Herb Bates elected for three year terms to the Select Board. Veronica Nicholson was elected as a write in to a three year term as RSU Director.
The annual budget passed as proposed with an increase of $41,624 over last year. The Select Board was given authorization to borrow funds for the purchase of a Plow Truck and Paving. Funds were appropriated for the replacement of a culvert on the Libby Hill Road to be done this spring or summer. Funds were approved for setting up our tax maps on Google Maps and to set aside funds for a Revaluation.